It's Time For A Gas War!
by Beryl Gosney, Real Estate Professional
It's time folks! Baby boomers will remember for sure --- the gas rationing and gas lines of the 70's? Remember wage and price controls of the 60's. Remember the California Tax Revolt --- long live Proposition 13!Well citizens of America, it should be obvious by now, that our country's leadership, (Nancy, Hillary, Harry, George, Dick, or their appointed no-names, are not about to do anything to challenge the billion dollar bonuses to oil industry fat cats, nor lead a fight to curtail our use of that inefficient liquid gold we call petrol.....
It's time for citizens to unite and revolt. Take matters in their own hands, despite government irresponsibility. Citizens need to self police and discipline ourselves ---- we need a GAS Diet!
Today is May 15th and the GAS tank in both my gas guzzlers are less than 1/4 tank. And, as a real estate agent, I need to fill up before the next showing of homes. But loyal me, I'm trying to honor my commitment made earlier in the week.
I got an email that said there would be a nationwide boycott on gas purchased on May 15th so the gas giants would feel the pinch all of a sudden, as they watch their daily revenue come to an abrupt halt.
Stop The GAS Money Rip-Off!
I did my duty, despite running on fumes because I want this boycott to be recognized..... The sad truth is, it didn't even make the local, let alone the national news. That's how divided and out of touch we've become. We can't even assemble a simple one day initiative and stick to it.
If we unite and pursue this GAS thing, it will show the terrorist an American show of strength and we can prove we are in fact, a country of and by the people.
Are you with me on this....are you going to start writing letters to the editors and to members of congress about the gas rip off?
Or, are you just going to continue to dip into the wallet, fill your tank only half full in denial, so you don't have to ever pay $50 to fill your compact, or $70 to fill your mid size and lucky cars tank?
Stand up and be counter folks ---- your single letter can spread like a cancer if you share it with your friends and neighbors. I'm trying to do my part --- are you ready to do yours?
Citizens, we have the "power" to send prices back into the $1.50-$1.60's ---- but it is going to take a collective effort.
Are you up to the task? --- I am!
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